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Definition of "fullering" []

  • Present participle of fuller. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "fullering" in a sentence
  • "Those farther from the compound and closer to the main sections of Southgate seemed less disreputable and merged with more traditional shops, such as a coppersmith's, a cooperage, and a fuller's, although the fullering shop appeared more dingy than the ones Mykel had known in Faitel, despite its whitewashed stuccoed plaster outer walls."
  • "VII In the early afternoon, somewhat to Kharl's surprise, a lanky man ambled into the cooperage, an unpleasant odor clinging to him, for all of his neat and clean appearance, although his leather trousers bore stains that had clearly resisted all efforts at fullering."
  • "When the metal sections in the forge began to glow even brighter than the cherry red needed for fullering, Justen let his perceptions wash over the metal, waiting until the temperature eased slightly higher."