Gestated for the entire duration of normal pregnancy; ; -- of new-born infants. Opposite of <ant>premature</ant>.(adjective)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "full-term" in a sentence
"Other stories involve doctors cutting up full-term fetuses inside of the mother's wombs, beating "out of plan babies" to death who manage to survive forced abortion, failing to use anesthesia or other sanitary measures while operating on pregnant mothers, and tossing the fetus's remains to the mother in a plastic bag if she cannot pay for its disposal."
"Doctors determined that Ms. Sergio had given birth to a full-term baby and they alerted police, who found the baby in the plastic bag."
"Previously, these infants were just considered small full-term infants rather than preterm infants, said study author Dr. Melissa A. Woythaler, a neonatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital."