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Definition of "fruitery" []

  • Fruit, taken collectively; fruitage. (noun)
  • A repository for fruit. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "fruitery" in a sentence
  • "There's a little butcher shop near my house, and generally speaking, I love to buy food this way: cheese from the cheeserie, bread from the bakery, fruit from the's all so much more fresh and wonderful."
  • "He desired an estate, he studied a profession, he amused himself with useful arts, he loved a farm, a garden, an orchard, a fruitery, an apiary; and occasionally, to do the work proper to them all himself; and he did it well."
  • ""He must have indulged over freely in those citrons," said Mohi, sympathetically rubbing his fruitery."
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