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Definition of "frogmarch" []

  • To force a person to walk where he does not wish to go by holding his arms behind him and pushing him forward. (verb)
  • Alternative spelling of frog march. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "frogmarch" in a sentence
  • "Bless him for his "frogmarch" comment it will be one for the ages, his unwillingness to back down, and his ginormous ballzack."
  • "Hassani and his hugely powerful star turn Taher Douis (later to become a record holder for the number of men he could support on his shoulders) leapt to the rescue, with onlookers saying that - like bouncers ejecting an unruly client - they appeared, in unruffled fashion, to "frogmarch" the misbehaving creature to the wings."
  • "And you can't just say go and find the treatment room, it's up on the third floor of the shopping centre somewhere; sign them up, frogmarch them up there, get their money off them."
Words like "frogmarch"