Of or pertaining to the free enterprise system having private ownership of the means of production and competition between enterprises.(adjective)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
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"Assertive, charismatic and armed with communi- cations skills honed on talk radio, she represents a dynamic new face for the so-called "free-enterprise" Liberals not connected to their federal namesake, they're a coalition that embraces federal Tories who hope to rebound from a dramatic collapse in support and win a fourth term."
"Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor who failed to win the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, charges that the president "is devouring the entire free-enterprise system" and lists Obama's decision to bail out the auto and banking industries as mistakes."
"The pursuit of money is the very basis of a free-enterprise society, which is the very basis of modern prosperity and technological advancement."