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Definition of "freckled" []

  • Having freckles. (adjective)
  • Covered with freckles (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "freckled" in a sentence
  • "Most of these shops are kept by Moormen – large, yellow, unpleasant-looking persons in freckled calico petticoats, heads shaven quite clean and covered with a little red basket too small for the purpose."
  • "At the far end of the squad in an area occupied by our to corporals one of them, which we will call the freckled dork, is spouting silly marine non-commisioned officer nonsense."
  • "_The "freckled" appearance which you mention in your positives in all probability depends upon the action of the light upon the silver, which still remains in your proof."