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Definition of "freak out" [freak out]

  • To react (or cause to react) with extreme anger or fear to something to the extent that one loses one's composure or behaves irrationally; originally, to suffer an unexpected and severe bad reaction from the recreational use of a psychotropic - usually hallucinogenic - drug, (verb)
  • To scare someone. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "freak out" in a sentence
  • "You ain’t gonna go to my aunt’s house to freak out an eightysomething-year-old woman, and I’m not helping you blow up innocent people here for twelve strands of light or whatever you were babbling about!"
  • "I tried not to freak out too badly, even though under Stephanie Pierce’s name it said we needed to buy ten spiral notebooks."
  • "And the surprise glimpse of well-filled panties can freak out an army."