The cardinal number occurring after three hundred ninety-nine and before four hundred one, represented in Arabic numerals as 400.(noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
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"Tribes, and the ephemeral character of his dynasty, and Micheas, the son of Jemla, who predicted to Achab, in presence of the four hundred flattering court Prophets, that he would be defeated and killed in his war against the Syrians (III Kings, xxii)."
"Sebastian Ulric looked through his binoculars at the three men huddled near the cave entrance four hundred yards below him."
"Although the idea of using embryonic stem cells for research is one that each scientist, politician, and voter must wrestle with for him-or herself, when the question arises among the four hundred sufferers of multiple sclerosis at the annual MS meeting where Kerr recently detailed his work on stem cells, their position is unanimous: embryonic stem cells hold the potential promise for them to live normal lives as mothers and fathers."