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Definition of "follow through" []

  • To finish; to complete, especially, of a commitment. (verb)
  • To continue moving the arms or legs after striking e.g. a ball (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "follow through" in a sentence
  • "He was leaning over, his shadow falling across her like a cool, dark caress, and for a shattering moment Nora hoped he was actually going to follow through on his softly flattering words but he suddenly rocked back on his haunches and jack-knifed to his feet, tossing the water bottle into the sand."
  • "As a result, ruminators are less able to plan for the future than others and less able to follow through on plans."
  • "Despite her concern about complicated grief, Therese Rando did not follow through on the lengthy process of getting a new disorder added to the DSM."