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Definition of "flavoured" []

  • Having a specific taste, generally by addition of flavouring. (adjective)
  • Simple past tense and past participle of flavour. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "flavoured" in a sentence
  • "­English breakfast "flavoured crisp, but the result was disappointing, to say the least, because it relied on various ­flavoured powders."
  • "Alice must have had a dull time of it, for while the room rang with merry jests in Latin, flavoured sometimes with a little Greek, and even the children could join in the laughter, she alone was ignorant of the matter, and felt as a deaf man feels when he watches people dancing to music that he cannot hear."
  • "Back we go to something stickier: a soft, doughy, suet-like pudding the size of a £2 coin flavoured with truffle, surrounded by an umami-rich truffle broth, which is translucent but deep and intense."
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