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Definition of "fish oil" []

  • Oil obtained from the bodies of fish and marine animals, as whales, seals, sharks, from cods' livers, etc. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "fish oil" in a sentence
  • "Taking a good-quality fish oil supplement will provide you with the omega-3 fatty acids you need to burn stored fat and eliminate excess omega-6 fatty acids, especially those from processed foods that are overconsumed in the standard American diet."
  • "Renew Life Formulas fish oil capsules and flax oil capsules"
  • "I recommend selecting high-potency fish oil capsules that deliver 300 milligrams mg of EPA and 200 mg of DHA."
Words like "fish oil"
tuna oil