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Definition of "fineries" [fineries]

  • Plural form of finery. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "fineries" in a sentence
  • "It was quite impossible, however -- Lesbia's neat, dainty little figure exactly fitted into the clothes, while Gwen, tall and big-boned even for her extra two and a half years, was so many sizes too large that she had to resign all hope of "fineries", and content herself with plain blouses and navy-blue serge skirts that could be lengthened easily."
  • "And instead of grumbling about legal fineries, the occupiers should demand the radical resurrection of the Bill of Rights that has been raped by lawless prosecutors with the fascistic plea bargain system, with the full complicity of the highest courts."
  • "On an artier front, we looked into the soul of an Atari 2600 and what we saw was very similar to late artist Jeremy Blake's digital art output, saw the most sinister (ly cute?) art-game to ever spring from Unreal Tournament, and saw fantastic pixel-chic fineries."