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Definition of "fill in" []

  • To fill; to replace material that is absent or has been removed. (verb)
  • (idiomatic) To inform somebody, especially to supply someone missing or missed information. (verb)
  • (idiomatic) To substitute for somebody or something. (verb)
  • To complete a form or questionnaire with requested information. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "fill in" in a sentence
  • "Whenever I find myself there, I now take a microaction by asking, “Is there another way to fill in this blank?”"
  • "The studio hasn't developed enough of any other programming to fill in if they made the decision (not even close, they have only 3 new original pilots on que) and their poison pill in the Leno contract is not in any way "small" in fact, it's pretty damn big. mattCR"
  • "In the fifth inning, rookie Damaso Garcia—yanked up from the minors to fill in for the hurt Willie Randolph—slammed into Fred Stanley, who was playing in place of the hurt Bucky Dent, while Stanley was trying to catch a Butch Hobson pop-up."