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Definition of "fencible" []

  • Capable of being defended (adjective)
  • A militia unit raised for homeland defense. (noun)
  • A soldier in such a unit. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "fencible" in a sentence
  • "Where is the roll of fencible men liable to do suit and service to the Halidome? —"
  • "Almost all of them had felt his power; almost all, in withdrawing their fencible men from their own glens, left their families and property exposed to his vengeance; all, without exception, were desirous of diminishing his sovereignty; and most of them lay so near his territories, that they might reasonably hope to be gratified by a share of his spoil."
  • "About nine-and-twenty years ago, the fencible men of Col were reckoned one hundred and forty, which is the sixth of eight hundred and forty; and probably some contrived to be left out of the list."