The wild banana of Polynesia and New Caledonia, Musa Fehi.(noun)
The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)
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"He first explained to me the uses in temple music of the taiko and shoko, which are drums; of the flutes called fei or teki; of the flageolet termed hichiriki; and of the kakko, which is a little drum shaped like a spool with very narrow waist, On great Buddhist festivals, Masanobu and his father and his brothers are the musicians in the temple services, and they play the strange music called Ojo and Batto -- music which at first no Western ear can feel pleasure in, but which, when often heard, becomes comprehensible, and is found to possess a weird charm of its own."
"Saturday's parties went far into the woods to gather a choice kind of fei, and the oranges and limes of the foot-hills."
"Having communicated his intentions to the admiral, he was ordered to purfue them; and, the better to enfurc his fucccfs, was rein - forced by the Gibraltar, a fmall frigate, which, from her ihallow draught of water, was peculiarly adapted to fupport fuch a kind of fei-vice*"