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Definition of "favourability" [favourability]

  • Alternative spelling of favorability. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "favourability" in a sentence
  • "To this end, we're not particularly big on 'favourability' or 'sentiment' reports, but do like to create hard numbers and graphs that can be cut up and used in Powerpoints by VPs of Marketing and MDs."
  • "Obama's favourability has climbed above his unfavourability in the rolling three-day average, to 49%-46%, for the first time since July 2011.2.45pm: Rick Perry surfaced at CPAC, looking cheerful and jaunty a few weeks after dropping out of the presidential race before the South Carolina primary."
  • "Alex some rather selective reading of polling going on there, and I suspect you're confusing approval and favourability when mentioning Obama's "high" ratings outside the south."