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Definition of "exodium" []

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "exodium" in a sentence
  • "(_exodium_); but in later times, when tragedies were performed, this position was generally taken by the _Atellana_ or the _Mime_."
  • "Dr. Barten Holyday, in the notes to his translation of "Juvenal," published at Oxford in 1673, describes the Roman plays as being followed by an exodium "of the nature of a _jig_ after a play, the more cheerfully to dismiss the spectators" -- the word "jig" signifying in the doctor's time something almost of a _ballet divertissement_, with an infusion of rhyming songs or speeches delivered by the clown of the theatre to the accompaniment of pipe and tabor."
  • "There is the rude theatre of the country town with its white-robed audience _en négligé_: -- ipsa dierum festorum herboso colitur si quando theatro maiestas tandemque redit ad pulpita notum exodium, cum personae pallentis hiatum in gremio matris formidat rusticus infans, aequales habitus illic similesque videbis orchestram et populum, clari velamen honoris sufficiunt tunicae summis aedilibus albae (iii."
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