"On April 5, 2007, Katie Wright and Alison Singer, the executive vice president and spokesperson for Autism Speaks and the mother of an autistic daughter, were booked on The Oprah Winfrey Show, which is seen by seven million American viewers a day and is broadcast in 140 countries around the world."
"Ride, the first U.S. woman astronaut in space; Robert W. Rummell, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and former vice president of TWA; Joseph F. Sutter, a Boeing executive vice president; Arthur B. C. Walker Jr., a professor of applied physics at Stanford University; and Albert D. Wheelon, an executive vice president at Hughes Aircraft."
"Ronald Lauder and Malcolm Hoenlein, chairman and executive vice president respectively of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, were outraged by the op-ed and accused Clinton of "scapegoating" Jews."