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Definition of "engraver" []

  • A person who engraves (noun)
  • A tool used in this process (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "engraver" in a sentence
  • "It may be said that it is unnecessary to give explicit directions about invitations, inasmuch as the engraver is the one ultimately responsible for the accuracy of these things."
  • "For a time he followed these strange indications on the royal road to drawing, and on them, perhaps, he based to some extent the illustrations which he made for book-covers, together with Charles Keene, for Mr. Edmund Evans -- who, it may not be out of place here to repeat, now so well known as the engraver and publisher of"
  • "The engraver is the medium by which art in the palace is conveyed into the humblest homes in the kingdom."