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Definition of "eisegesis" [eisegesis]

  • An interpretation, especially of Scripture, that reflects the personal ideas or viewpoint of the interpreter; reading something into a text that isn't there. Compare exegesis. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "eisegesis" in a sentence
  • ""eisegesis" - reading into the text what is not there - and interpret everything based upon those assumptions."
  • "You’re right about many Christians using the Bible to backup their own beliefs which never came from the Bible at all, but from some weird tradition – this twisting of scripture to make it back up what you already believe originating outside the bible is called eisegesis as opposed to exegesis, which is a process of understanding the original text in it’s own context, devoid of your own pre-conceived notions."
  • "From my perspecitve, those layers are all well & good for building a theology if you are in to this type of eisegesis... but the only responsible exegesis must have both feet firmly planted in original meaning."
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