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Definition of "effusively" [effusively]

  • In an effusive manner (adverb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "effusively" in a sentence
  • "Brian Williams seemed to be hinting as much when, in effusively editorializing about "United 93" on NBC (a sister company of Universal), he suggested that "it just may be a badly needed reminder for some that we are a nation at war because of what happened in New York and Washington and in this case in a field in Pennsylvania.""
  • "The open-faced, jaunty youth who effusively welcomed us, discussed the menu and offered suggestions, wrangled the wine and evidenced the mot juste in every facet of conversation, turned out to be a consulting manager from headquarters in Arizona who was there to enable the dining staff and kitchen to hit the ground running."
  • "I'd write effusively about how we need more politicians like Mr. Bennet – people with serious decisions to make who are willing and able to ignore the constant hyperbolic crap that passes as 'citizen journalism' and 'new media'."
Words like "effusively"