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Definition of "ecocentrism" []

  • A term used in ecological political philosophy to denote a nature-centred, as opposed to human-centred, system of values. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "ecocentrism" in a sentence
  • "A poetry that articulated the person as environment would not invert anthropocentrism into "ecocentrism," it would thoroughly undo the notion of a center."
  • "The central challenge that Berry poses -- the "Great Work" remaining for us to do -- is to move from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism."
  • "The spectrum of environmental ethics encompasses a wide variety that includes various forms of anthropocentrism (where humans are placed at the center of the moral universe), biocentrism (where all forms of life have moral standing), and ecocentrism (where the highest moral standing is imparted on ecosystems rather than individual organisms or species)."
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