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Definition of "dumbness" [dumb•ness]

  • The state of being dumb (either mute or dim-witted), that is, not communicating vocally, whether from selective mutism or from an inability to speak. (noun)
  • Muteness, silence; abstention from speech. (noun)
  • Refusal or unwillingness to speak. (noun)
  • Show or gesture without words; pantomime; dumb-show. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "dumbness" in a sentence
  • "But the third, and most pernicious, level of dumbness is its pro-cyclical neo-Hooverite nature."
  • "We Americans are now in survival mode, backs to the wall thinking about necessities not luxuries and realizing that our stupidity (in other words our dumbness in electing Bush, our greed, our corruption, our lack of discipline from the cars we've driven to the bonuses we've tolerated Wall Street crooks paying themselves, to the wars we went along with etc., etc.) have just about cost us everything we hold dear."
  • "Some have attributed the movie's success to a new cult of dumbness, which is just plain stupid: dumb is, and ever was."