A papilionaceous tree (Piscidia erythrina) growing in Jamaica. It has narcotic properties; -- called also Jamaica dogwood.(noun)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "dogwood tree" in a sentence
"Dante took a step closer, but the edge of his right wing brushed a planter full of yellow roses and knocked it to the bricks in a shower of dirt and petals, while the arched tip of his left wing thumped into a branch of the dogwood tree overhanging the bench."
"From the perch Bevan Jake has scrambled into amid the white dogwood tree on our lawn, he warbles, “Be brave, Dadda!”"
"But the old playground rhyme came to an abrupt end as a storm-gray hawk swept out of the dogwood tree and attacked Fancy."