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Definition of "doddery" []

  • Doddering, trembly, shaky. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "doddery" in a sentence
  • "Prince Philip says Queen may quit before she gets 'doddery'"
  • "Henry Hathaway's 1969 "True Grit" was neither "doddery" nor "miscast" - it was perfect; and Glen Campbell's character was not "a major character" - he was there to provide a little light ballast to the tense, central relationship between Mattie and Cogburn."
  • "He described how he had seen men who could not get spirits make themselves drunk on "Pain-killer"; how he had seen strong, young station hands, who had not tasted spirits for months, come down from the hills with a hundred pounds in their pockets, and drink themselves into "doddery" old men in a fortnight in the nearest township, where they were kept drunk on drugged liquor till all their hard-earned wages were gone."
Words like "doddery"