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Definition of "disyllabic" [disyllabic]

  • Comprising two syllables. (adjective)
  • A word consisting of two syllables (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "disyllabic" in a sentence
  • "If all are disyllabic or trisyllabic, then there will be either 102 or 153 syllables."
  • "So a disyllabic wordform in Mid IE MIE of the shape *CVC.CV- should have preserved its final schwa because if it had disappeared, it might create problems with the distribution of the consonants in the remaining syllables1."
  • "However, although his actual name isn't Miltonic or especially literary, it is indeed trisyllabic with a disyllabic nickname, and Latinate, and has at least a sort of Early Modern connection."