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Definition of "disentombment" []

  • The act of disentombing. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "disentombment" in a sentence
  • "New and interesting excavations are made continuously, and I could have remained here the live-long day, watching the gradual disentombment of the beautiful columns, statuary, and other long-buried mementoes of Rome's past greatness -- and, as her foundations were laid bare, rebuilding and repeopling, according to my own ideal fancies, this great temple of eloquence."
  • "The process of disentombment was not proceeded with very rapidly at first; it lingered on, in not too skilful hands, till"
  • "Not wishing to appear unmindful of the kindly intentions of my would-be assistant, I thanked him, inwardly wishing that this disentombment had been left entirely to me."