Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "dian" in a sentence
"The Dian Kingdom was quite powerful, and it might have regarded itself as the center of the world. 31 Historically, Han scholars identified dian as hailing from the Chinese language, but indeed dian is more likely an indigenous word that was written with Chinese ideographs."
"The word dian, an indigenous term, refers to the whole of Yunnan, and has survived as the official abbreviation of Yunnan."
"Therefore, it is highly probable that the word dian was created by the indigenous peoples as a kind of name for themselves. 32 Today the words dian and yun (cloud) are the two official abbreviations of Yunnan, which implies the co-influence of the indigenous and the Chinese on the making of Yunnan."