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Definition of "deteriorative" []

  • Causing deterioration. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "deteriorative" in a sentence
  • "-- Therefore it is urged that during the period of utero-gestation, especial pains should be taken to render the life of the female as harmonious as possible, that her surroundings should all be of a nature calculated to inspire the mind with thoughts of physical and mental beauties and perfections, and that she should be guarded against all influences, of whatever character, having a deteriorative tendency."
  • "Lecture [2] sets forth the view that the influence of war on the race, both directly and indirectly, is injurious; he admits that there may be beneficial as well as deteriorative influences, but the former merely affect the moral atmosphere, not the hereditary germ plasm; biologically, war means wastage and a reversal of rational selection, since it prunes off a disproportionally large number of those whom the race can least afford to lose."
  • "Beyond this positive deteriorative effect on women through man's arbitrary choice comes the negative effect of woman's lack of choice."
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