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Definition of "dejectedness" []

  • The state or quality of being dejected. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "dejectedness" in a sentence
  • "They want us to be afflicted by our helplessness and dejectedness keeping us down and feel like slaves although we just want to feel like and be treated like human beings."
  • "And it is said, that from that day he never cut his hair, nor shaved his beard, nor wore a garland, but was always full of sadness, grief, and dejectedness for the calamities of his country, and continually showed the same feeling to the last, whatever party had misfortune or success."
  • "With the deepest dejectedness he squeezed himself into a corner, and Shaykh Nur, who was foully dirty, as an Indian en voyage always is, would have joined him in his shame, had I not ordered the"
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