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Definition of "deforested" [deforested]

  • Simple past tense and past participle of deforest. (verb)
  • Of or pertaining to deforestation. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "deforested" in a sentence
  • "Along the rivers that delimit the region, both intensive activities, such as mining and agriculture, and extensive activities, such as logging, agriculture, hunting, and fishing, have resulted in deforested or degraded habitat and resultant population reductions in plants and animals."
  • "I knew from guide-books that there were thousands of acres of woodland still, though much had been "deforested"; but I didn't know it hid many beautiful villages, and even towns."
  • "Will they look more like the deforested, erosion-clawed exposed steppes of Afghanistan?"
Words like "deforested"