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Definition of "deducibility" []

  • The condition of being deducible (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "deducibility" in a sentence
  • "Bolzano uses the word deducibility (Ableitbarkeit, literally derivability, but it is a sort of semantical relation)."
  • "Even earlier, C.I. Lewis started the modern study of modal logic by introducing strict implication as a kind of deducibility, where he may have meant deducibility in a formal system like Principia Mathematica, but this is not clear from his writings."
  • "This recalls the way in which classical geneticists related gene differences and trait differences in the differential gene concept, where trait differences were used as markers for genetic differences without implying a deducibility of trait behavior, the dominance or recessivity of traits in particular, from Mendelian laws (Schwartz 2000; Falk 2001)."
Words like "deducibility"