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Definition of "debarking" []

  • Present participle of debark. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "debarking" in a sentence
  • "The two hand-bags turned over to the platform porter were the same two that I had seen snatched out of a cab in front of the Marlborough entrance while their owner was digging in his pockets for the cab fare, and the coat and hat Barton had donned for the debarking were the fur-lined luxury and the soft felt worn by the man who had dropped the black pocket-book."
  • "Let me then briefly say that the idea of debarking your goods and chattels, and parting from your delightful company at Todos Santos, only occurred to me on our unexpected -- shall I say PROVIDENTIAL?"
  • "The procedure, commonly referred to as debarking, has been around for decades, but has fallen out of favor, especially among younger veterinarians and animal-rights advocates."
Words like "debarking"