Characterised by noxious vapours; misty, smoky.(adjective)
Moderately damp or moist.(adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Use "dampish" in a sentence
"When I went home for dinner yesterday noon I give you my word my clothes was kind of dampish even then."
"Before the drawing of the curtain occasioned by the mother's entrance, the immersed Zooey, drawing on his "dampish" cigarette, reads a four-year-old letter from Buddy, in which, among other things (such as encouraging Zooey in his decision to become an actor rather than going for a Ph. D.), Buddy tells Zooey to "be kinder to Bessie ... when you can."
"I snuggled close, and his long, dampish arm draped across my shoulder, releasing an invisible scent cloud of Aqua di Gio, glycerin soap, and burnt matches."