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Definition of "dampish" [damp•ish]

  • Characterised by noxious vapours; misty, smoky. (adjective)
  • Moderately damp or moist. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "dampish" in a sentence
  • "When I went home for dinner yesterday noon I give you my word my clothes was kind of dampish even then."
  • "Before the drawing of the curtain occasioned by the mother's entrance, the immersed Zooey, drawing on his "dampish" cigarette, reads a four-year-old letter from Buddy, in which, among other things (such as encouraging Zooey in his decision to become an actor rather than going for a Ph. D.), Buddy tells Zooey to "be kinder to Bessie ... when you can."
  • "I snuggled close, and his long, dampish arm draped across my shoulder, releasing an invisible scent cloud of Aqua di Gio, glycerin soap, and burnt matches."