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Definition of "cryophobia" []

  • A morbid fear of freezing. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "cryophobia" in a sentence
  • "Friday the 13th paraskavedekatriaphobia frost, ice, extreme cold cryophobia fur, animal skin doraphobia gaiety cherohobia garlic alliumphobia genitals (female) eurotophobia germs spermatophobia or spermophobia"
  • "NAME ACTUAL FEAR MIGHT BE MISTAKEN FOR bibliophobia books fear of term papers bathophobia depth fear of being clean Gallophobia France, things French fear of California wine crystallophobia glass fear of Gypsies cryophobia ice, frost fear of peeling onions polyphobia many things fear of parrots phonophobia noise, loud talking fear of stereos topophobia places fear of Italian mice aichurophobia points fear of sneezing belonophobia sharp objects fear of cold cuts halophobia speaking fear of angels tacophobia speed fear of Mexican food phagophobia swallowing fear of becoming a sissy haphephobia touching, being touched fear of fractions Hodophobia travel fear of hobbits Parthenophobia young girls fear of Greek temples"
Words like "cryophobia"