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Definition of "cross-leaved" []

  • In botany, having four-leaved whorls in the form of a cross.

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "cross-leaved" in a sentence
  • "I do not know why mine is all encumbered with overgrowth, and this so lovely that scarce a branch could be gathered but with injury; -- while underneath, the oxalis, and the two smallest geraniums (Lucidum and Herb-Robert) and the mossy saxifrage, and the cross-leaved bed-straw, and the white pansy, wrought themselves into wreaths among the fallen crags, in which every leaf rejoiced, and was at rest."
  • "The Dating Go Round: Speed dating offers scientists a peek at how romance actually blossoms A Maculinea rebeli butterfly rests on a cross-leaved gentian."
  • "For instance, the cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix) is not typically considered a carnivorous plant, but this pink flower possesses sticky, adhesive glands and dwells in poor soils."