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Definition of "counterwork" []

  • To work in opposition to; to counteract. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "counterwork" in a sentence
  • "If we go through all the Steve work and counterwork and the lot and still end up with a hockey stick, that would not bother me."
  • "After this the Peloponnesians, finding that their engines effected nothing, and that their mound was met by the counterwork, concluded that their present means of offence were unequal to the taking of the city, and prepared for its circumvallation."
  • "Here the pursuers burst in with them, and after getting in were beaten out by the Syracusans, and some few of the Argives and Athenians slain; after which the whole army retired, and having demolished the counterwork and pulled up the stockade, carried away the stakes to their own lines, and set up a trophy."
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