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Definition of "corralling" []

  • Present participle of corral. (verb) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "corralling" in a sentence
  • "Indeed, just as the administration has successfully converted many of D. C.'s Professional Liberal organizations into administration sycophants (what Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher calls corralling them into the "veal pen"), so too may it try to use the carrot of access to coerce liberal-labeled media to serve as the administration's house organ of political defense."
  • "The same doubts would recur among investors and public officials decades later when the idea of corralling the Colorado behind a towering dam was first broached, and they would take a decade more to overcome."
  • "In the prequel, the corralling was a little more subtle and the on-rails feeling wasn't as in-your-face."
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