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Definition of "circumforaneous" []

  • Wandering from place to place or market to market. (adjective)
  • Indirect, roundabout, or unnecessarily complex. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "circumforaneous" in a sentence
  • "Proverb: I mean those circumforaneous Wits whom every Nation calls by the Name of that Dish of Meat which it loves best."
  • "In the first Place I must observe, that there is a Set of merry Drolls, whom the common People of all Countries admire, and seem to love so well, _that they could eat them_, according to the old Proverb: I mean those circumforaneous Wits whom every Nation calls by the Name of that"
  • "Let the megalophonous grasshopper sound a blast and summon hither the perfunctory and circumforaneous Tumble-Bug, to the end that excavations may be made and learning gather new treasures. ""