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Definition of "cine-camera" []

  • A camera that takes a sequence of photographs that can give the illusion of motion when viewed in rapid succession (noun)

WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.

Use "cine-camera" in a sentence
  • "The princess spent much of the afternoon filming with her cine-camera, so engrossed that she asked for tea to be served on the viewing platform rather than miss anything by going inside."
  • "My own Littleshire has a retired sergeant who once had an 8mm cine-camera. on February 28, 2010 at 1: 22 pm Claustrophobic inspector"
  • "Born to a factory worker and an accounting clerk, this three-time Oscar-winning high school dropout showed signs of filmmaking flair as a child, crafting short movies with a Super 8 cine-camera in New Zealand."