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Definition of "chemiotaxis" []

  • Same as chemotaxis. (noun)

The Century Dictionary (Public Domain)

Use "chemiotaxis" in a sentence
  • "Variations in chemiotaxis towards different organisms probably depend in natural conditions, as well as in active immunity, upon the opsonic content of the serum."
  • "As regards the former, leucocytes are guided chiefly by chemiotaxis, _i. e._ by sensitiveness to chemical substances in their surroundings -- a property which is not peculiar to them but is possessed by various unicellular organisms, including motile bacteria."
  • "Then as regards natural powers of destroying bacteria, phagocytosis aided by chemiotaxis plays a part, and it can be understood that an animal whose phagocytes are attracted by a particular bacterium will have an advantage over one in which this action is absent."