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Definition of "chaotic" [cha•ot•ic]

  • Filled with chaos. (adjective)
  • Extremely disorganized or in disarray. (adjective)
  • Highly sensitive to starting conditions, so that a small change to them may yield a very different outcome. (adjective) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "chaotic" in a sentence
  • "The campaign said that it feared what it called a chaotic "Florida situation" and that it is likely to go to the court today."
  • "As I commented in an earlier post before I realized this one was up, my favorite money quote from the story by Mark Brunswick, Paul Walsh and Bob Von Sternberg at the Star Tribune: "The campaign said that it feared what it called a chaotic 'Florida situation' and that it is likely to go to the court today.""
  • "And I have to say also that Iranians know three political situations -- dictatorship, revolution, and what I call chaotic democracy."