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Definition of "centrex" []

  • A contracted form of CENTRal EXchange. (noun)

Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Use "centrex" in a sentence
  • "ITT is getting a foothold in the market by offering so-called centrex remotes that bring digital functionality to the customer while being hosted by extant technology, the 1A ESS."
  • "Is this IP Centrex, such as a S.P. hosting centrex features off their centralized softswitch?"
  • "She was lucky we where there, because office phones are usually connected to a centrex, especially if there's multiple lines, which of course there are, since all calls into the office are routed through the phone at the front desk, through the centrex and back into the bowels of the building."