"HAMMER: Well, the nice thing is, this guy ` s an equal opportunity celebrater -- celebrater?"
"Most, or all, of the witnesses agree in representing him as an atrocious Satanist, an invoker of Lucifer, a celebrater of black masses, and an adept in the practical blasphemies of Eucharistic sacrilege; all of them father either upon the Palladium or upon Pike a variety of documents containing gross thefts from Lévi; some of them, directly and upon their own responsibility, cite passages from his works, always with conspicuous bad faith."
" Probably there ran through every vein and current of the Scotchmans blood something that warmd up to this kind of trait and character above aught else in the world, and which makes him in my opinion the chief celebrater and promulger of it in literaturemore than Plutarch, more than Shakspere."