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Definition of "cavities" []

  • Plural form of cavity. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "cavities" in a sentence
  • "Honestly, nature isn't kind to humans, because all the progress, all the evolution, has left us with brain cavities too big to deliver easily and naturally, so we have to just stop comparing ourselves to animals who whelp themselves alone in the wild without complications."
  • "The principal supplies of petroleum are not diffused between the planes of stratification, but are collected in cavities more or less sunken in the strata; whence the oil is less liable to be carried away by running water."
  • "At this moment one of these cavities is designated as the barber's shop, another the baker's, &c.; shelves and tākches (a shelf cut in a wall) are visible in many of these recesses, which are now used by the Koords as dwellings in winter."