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Definition of "castigation" [cas•ti•ga•tion]

  • Corrective punishment; chastisement; reproof; pungent criticism. (noun)
  • Emendation; correction. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "castigation" in a sentence
  • "Such malicious castigation, which is internalized by the abused person as true, crushes the spirit of the recipient, and they retreat from the life they were living to follow the script of their destruction -- becoming a self-imposed prophecy."
  • "We hope to hear that the castigation has been ample and effectual; and we have a right to expect our relatives in New York to believe that we feel towards them in the matter as they would feel towards us if they heard that a St. Giles's mob had broken loose, had ravaged certain districts of the metropolis, and had been met by a cavalry regiment and dealt with according to desert."
  • "First, if the tone of my post sounds like "castigation" let me apologize; that was not my intent."