The recall of an employee to work after a layoff.(noun)
Gnu Collaboartive International Dictionary of English: licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)
Use "call-back" in a sentence
"I pushed the call-back button as the doors slid closed, abandoning me in the darkness, and a shiver ran over me, one I tried to ignore."
"I had been on my agent, Sarah Ramaker, saying that I was looking for a more challenging role that would better show my acting capabilities, and it seemed timely that this call-back came around as I was getting my head straight."
"Turning in the direction of the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Liberty Square, the cadence of "Left, left, left, right, left," was paused by a call-back chant of, "Hold your heads and hold them high, the 99 percent is passing by.""