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Definition of "buzkashi" []

  • A team sport originating in Central Asia, where the players, all on horseback, try to place an animal carcass into a goal. (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "buzkashi" in a sentence
  • "Hours later, a suicide bomber detonated explosives in Faryab province, in the north, killing three people, including a child, who were watching a traditional Central Asian game called buzkashi."
  • "The ancient sport of 'goat grabbing,' known as buzkashi, which involves riding on a horse to capture a goat carcass, is Afghanistan's national sport and has turned into a big business in the northern part of the country."
  • "One revolving around a sport called buzkashi that is played on horseback on the Mongolian steppes, involving a stuffed goat carcass."