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Definition of "brackishness" [brack•ish•ness]

  • Distastefulness; unpleasantness (noun) : Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

Use "brackishness" in a sentence
  • "The brown water, grass-sheeted at the sides, conceals the bright yellow sand of the bed; when placed in a tumbler it looks clear and colourless, and the taste is perfectly sweet — brackishness does not extend far above Porto da Lenha."
  • "My predecessor declares that the brackishness of its produce has stood in the way of its reputation for holiness."
  • "Now, as every drop of sea-water retains the brackishness and saltness of the whole; so every staggering doubt that is an issue of this unbelief hath in it the unsavouriness and distastefulness unto God that is in the whole."
Words like "brackishness"